About American Forked

About Image

  A group of lifetime friends decide to put their extensive arguing experience to the microphone in an attempt to teach the nation and the world one important truth: You don't need to share the same opinion to love each other and get along.

  Raised together in one of the most conservative Mormon neighborhoods, we eventually split wildy in our religious and political beliefs, but we still share one common ideology: we still love each other.

  In a world where presidential candidates are so bitter after a debate they can’t even look at each other, and pundits on media sound like mortal enemies, American Forked brings you something different. A great echo chamber, but not of a single idea, but of all of them.

  Straight, gay, athiest, Mormon, Scientogist, athetic, nerd, artistic, etc. We are as different as they come. Sometimes we don't make sense, sometimes we will offend you, and we certainly will missinform you, but hopefully you take away a few ideas you didn't have before, and see a perspective beyond your own.

Mosty, we hope you laugh and have a good time,

Just like us.

This is American Forked